Transferring Learning To Behavior

گروه:علوم انسانیسال چاپ:2008
رشته:مدیریتشماره ویرایش:3
نویسنده:Donald L. Kirkpatrick , James D. Kirkpatrickتعداد صفحات:197
مترجم:نوع فایل:pdf
توضیحات:The purpose of this book is twofold. First, it operationalizes Don’s book, Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels (second ed., Berrett-Koehler, 1998). It not only offers new ideas regarding evalua-tion, but utilizes the model in effectively implementing strategy by specifically linking and aligning training to strategy. Second, it uses the four levels as the foundation to attacking the specific challenge of transferring learning (Level 2) to behavior (Level 3). According to many training executives and trainers across the globe, this remains one of the top training challenges in organizations of all sorts. Specifi-cally, it explains the challenge, then offers solutions from the authors as well as from professionals in varying kinds of organizations. This book is outlined into four parts. Part One identifies and as-sesses the challenge of transferring learning to behavior. It begins with an overview of the four levels to set the foundation, reviews their use in the twenty-first century, then discusses the specific challenge. Of particular importance is the increasing pressure from senior executives and boards on training departments and corporate universities to demonstrate the bottom-line results that come from training. This pressure, along with economical challenges and technological oppor-tunities, has forced us to view training from a new perspective. There is a worldwide movement toward converting training departments to corporate universities, and corporate trainers to internal business con-sultants. This offers not only challenges but also opportunities, thus expanding the role and importance of the four levels. Even with things changing so fast, the eons-old fact still exists that individuals and groups are more comfortable staying the same than changing. Thus, our challenge and this book.
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